Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Interview for double page spread (1st draft)

Radar: Hi Cora! Welcome to Radar
Cora: Hello! Thanks, for having me guys.

Radar: We love your new single ‘C U Next Tuesday’, tell us the story behind it. Did you write it yourself?
Cora: Thanks very much. Yeah, I write all of my material myself purely because it doesn’t feel like my own if I don’t. I mean if I can’t connect to a track on a personal level then how can I expect my fans to? I really enjoy writing songs too, so I’d be a bit bored if I wasn’t doing that, it’s very therapeutic and allows you to get everything out of your system without looking a bit mental sitting on a psychiatrists’ sofa.

Radar: So for those who haven’t heard the song yet, what is it all about?
Cora: I think that this song can mean something different to everyone because we have all had different experiences, and I love that about this song because everyone can treat it how they like. I guess it’s about standing up for yourself and not taking s**t from the p**k everyone has in their life.  I mean the title says it all doesn’t it?

Radar: And what inspired you to write it?
Cora: Everyone who I’ve spoken to about this song thinks that it’s about my boyfriend because most people assume these days that every single song is about love, well I had my dad in mind when I wrote this song (laughs). I’m not saying that my dad is a c**t or anything, but he was just bugging me when I wrote this song as he was trying to manage my music business himself, I mean why wouldn’t he want to? He’s done okay for himself I guess.

Radar: We think he’s done a bit better than okay. Does his music inspire your songs?
Cora: Not in the slightest. I guess you could say that The Rolling Stones weren’t afraid to sing whatever they wanted no matter what anybody thought of them, and I think  I’m a bit like that. My dad will kill me for saying this, but I’ve never liked his music, it’s so overrated. These days people like The Rolling Stones because they are The Rolling Stones and not because of the music, I used to cry when my dad used to play his music to me as a child. My inspirations are David Bowie, I love  him! I met him the other day and was so star struck I nearly fainted, I’d love to marry him. The Beatles are my favourites though, Rock and Roll at it’s very best!

Radar: How would you describe your songs?
Cora: I think that they’re very opinionated, but that’s just me. I’m not the kind of girl just to sit back when somebody’s wrong, but I’m not nasty either. My songs can relate to everyone, and I think they’re quite cool, but I’m biased obviously.

Radar: What would you say to your critics who say that you swear too much in your songs?
Cora: What? People say that? I would tell them to shut the  f**k up! (Laughs) I’ve never got the big deal with swear words, they’re just words.  It’s not like we live in the 19th century, people swear and if I want to connect to them and express my feelings in my songs then I’ll use them too. Critics have just got a stick up their a**e and I don’t really care what they think.

Radar: People have said in the past that you have a bad attitude, why do you think you come across that way?
Cora: I don’t know really. Ever since I was small I’ve always had tough skin because no matter which career I chose I was going to be in the spotlight and maybe I come across a b***h and defensive but I am not those things at all. I love spending time with my friends, and I love my boyfriend more than anything, I’m a normal 19 year old girl at heart but when you’ve grown up in the public eye it’s difficult to trust who is your friend because of your personality or because they want five minutes of fame so I guess you could say that I can have a bit of an attitude problem at times, but I’ve a wicked sense of humour to match (laughs)

Radar: When’s your album ‘Miss Nothing’ out? And will you be doing a UK tour?
Cora: My album comes out on the 1st January 2011 and I am so excited to see what my fans think of it! My tour starts on the 6th March which gives me some time to prepare myself because I’ve never done anything like it before. The dates are on my website but I’ll be playing in London’s O2 arena, Manchester’s MEN arena, Sheffield, Newcastle, Nottingham, Glasgow all the major places but I’ll be playing some small gigs too like in Camden and Hull, I’m doing Glastonbury next year as well which is an absolute dream come true!

Radar: We love your album and have rated it the best album we’ve heard in a long time! Thank you so much for talking to us and we’ll talk to you again in our yearly ‘Backstage at the Festivals’ feature later on in the year.
Cora: Thank you so much! It’s been a pleasure speaking to you, I hope I did okay in my first ever interview. I look forward to speaking to you later on in the year, Peace out! (Blows us a kiss)

  • Cora’s debut single ‘C U Next Tuesday’ is out now, and her album ‘Miss Nothing’ is out on the 1st January 2011. Check out our website for details on her first UK tour and how to win front row tickets.

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