Monday, 7 March 2011

Drafts of double page spread

I decided to use this photograph as it shows a different angle of the artist, it will also look as though she is looking at the text if I place in on the right hand side of the page. Alike the cover image, the artist here is wearing an iconic rockstar look- the woodstock glasses which shows who her inspiration is. I think it's a conventional image to use as it displays her laid back attitude.

Here I have slightly altered the colour of the background on the image. I did this as I thought it made it look more professional and a lot stronger and bolder. I have also added a white rectangular shaped box on the right hand side of the page, I did this so I know where my headline will be super-imposed. It goes slightly on to the artists head, I like this idea as it makes everything on the page connected to eachother.
I have added the headline onto the page and I am extremely happy with it. I like the way the word 'Nothing' is in the white box as it emphasises what she is trying to say by stressing this word. The font of the headline looks faded and edgy which is a convention of rock music. The headline is a direct quote from what the artist has said in the article, this could make the reader want to read on.
I have added the 'Radar' logo into the top left hand side of the double page spread, I did this to maintain my house style and make my spread recogniseable to the target audience. I have also added the date and page number of the article which is an obvious convention of a magazine.

In this draft I have added a strapline which goes underneath my headline. This sums up what the article will be about and gives a little bit of background information of the artist. The words 'Cora Jagger' are in red which makes them stand out from the strapline and your eyes immediately are drawn to them, I did this so the reader will know for sure who the article is going to be about. The red and black text also help maintain my house style.

This is my final draft of my double page spread. I have added in the interview I have written. The questions are in a red font which contrasts with the black answers, it also maintains my house style. I have placed the interview in columns which is a convention of a magazine. I have also added a byline to my page.

I have made further changes to my double page spread, I have outlines the album information in black so it stands out from the rest of the article more. This is the reason that Cora would take part in this interview- to advertise her tour and latest track so I wanted to make it stand out.


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