Monday, 6 December 2010

Audience research.

I will need to carefully consider the audience my magazine targets as it influences everything from the price of the magazine, the articles in it and the artist I use on my cover. It will also influence the house style and layout.

My magazine will target a niche audience. A niche audience is the way the media and it's audiences are separated into smaller segments, each of which have different tastes, interests or concerns. Because not every single person in the population will enjoy rock music the audience will most definately be niche. As well as this; there a lot of different types of rock music from indie to glam therefore not everybody will enjoy every type of rock music there is. I think that like NME I will try and include a various range of rock music in order to attract a wider audience.



These are the groups in which the population are put into. I will definately address the 15-24 band. This is because this group are most likely to purchase magazines. As well as this; this is the band students are in which is the niche audience I will try and address. I think; like NME, Kerrang and Q I will use young, fashionable people who enjoy live music as my target audience. I have chosen to use the same audience as these existing magazines because they are very popular, therefore their target audience purchase their magazine frequently and give them a large profit.

I think that I will try and target both male and female audiences as it will create a larger demographic for me, and won't have to carefully consider a specific gender when designing my magazine. I will target C2-E for the socio-economic group as I don't think somebody in group A a lord for example would wish to purchase a rock magazine. The psychographics for the audience wil be both inner and outer directed because they are intergrated; they will be belongers as well as being conscious of the society we live in.

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