I am going to analyse a Kerrang magazine cover because it is very similar to the genre of music I will be using for my publication. After I have analysed three magazine covers of a similar genre to mine, I will be able to recognise the conventions of a cover; what works succesfully and what I think I could improve on.
L- The masthead 'Kerrang' instantly tells you the magazine is of the Rock genre as the word is onomatopoeic; it refers to the sound made when playing a power chord on an electric guitar. Kerrang is quite a striking, powerful word therefore the target audience will be drawn to the masthead.The font of the masthead is in block lettering which gives connotations of anger or violence which perhaps reflects rock music. The masthead is in the colour black. Black usually has negative connotations however in this case I think that the colour symbolises strength and power. Something Rock music definately is. Black also stands out among the white background and is a rather aggressive colour. The masthead has also thin white lines through the font, and makes it appear as if it's cracking or breaking. I think this works to the magazine's advantage as it emphasises the meaning of the word 'Kerrang' and looks as if the power chord being played by the guitar was so loud or strenuous that it cracked the masthead. The masthead is placed at the top of the page which is the first place we look as we have been taught to read that way. The makers orf this publication will have done this also so the target audience will see the name of the text when placed on a shelf among other publications.
The main image on the cover has been superimposed ontop of the masthead, this means 'Kerrang' magazine is so prestigious and recognisable that even if part of the masthead has been covered, the target audience will identify with it.
The main headline is white, and superimposed onto the main image. The white colour stands out from the black suit the lead singer of the band is wearing therefore your eyes are drawn to it instantly. White usually suggests purity and innocence and isn't usually expected on a Rock magazine. The font used is similar to the Masthead therefore helping establish a house style. This publication uses conventional journalistic lexis to entice the target audience to pick up the magazine and read it. 'Horror' ,'Uproar', 'Special', 'Plus', 'And more!' This makes Kerrang magazine seem like it has more to offer than any other magazine therefore the reader will choose to perchase this publication in order to get more for there money. This is a convention I may intend on using, however it does make the text seem quite tacky and cheesey.
The house style of the magazine uses mainly black, white and a few shades of red colours. This creates quite an angry, aggressive house style which obviously reflects the music genre but also are aesthetically pleasing and exciting so will attract attention. The camera angle used for the main image is a medium close up. This allows the audience to see the band in a clear way and recognise who they are. As well as this the band seem quite close to the reader; perhaps making them feel personally involved in the magazine, without being uncomfortably close like an extreme close up would produce for example. The band are stood with the lead singer at the front, with the other members of the band behind him, are smaller and are less likely to be seen. This is because the lead singer is usually the front man of a band. As well as this the lead singer are usually the person the target audience like most and identify with. 'Bring Me The Horizon' in this image are wearing formal suits, shirts and ties which is unconventional for a rock band to do. They could be making a statement by being ironic or they could be showing that they do take their job as artists seriously.
The other images on the magazine are taken from live gigs which could help persuade the target audience to want to see these artists at a concert. As well as this, it shows what kind of performers the artists are and helps summarise the cover of the magazine.
I- The institution for this magazine is Bauer media which is one of the largest institutions in the world. Not only does it produce magazines but T.V and radio shows and websites too. This means that Kerrang magazine would perhaps get some advertising from other popular magazines, and in turn advertise them- which is known as synergy. Kerrang also has a music station and website which will all bring in a wider demogrpahic for the magazine, allowing them to make a lot more money. Kerrang is a weekly magazine which means that the magazine is a lot more valid and up to date than other magazines who are published fornightly or monthly. This means that more people would perhaps purcahse this publication as it will probably have the most exclusive information. However this could also be a negative as some demographic may not like to purchase magazines weekly; wasting time and money. The price of kerrang is £2.20 which in my opinion isn't that expensive for a magazine. The price heavily influences the target audience as young teenagers will not be able to afford this amount for a weekly magazine. Students on the other hand will be able to afford it. I think this price is more reasonable for a fornightly magazine.
I- The ideology of this magazine shows a care-free, fun and wild way of life and rock music. I think that because Kerrang has quite a niche audience it shows that it's okay to be original and different than mainstream pop magazines.
A- I think that the audience for Kerrang magazine will obviously be for rock enthusiasts. I think the age will be 16-24 year olds, any younger won't be able to afford the weekly price of £2.20 with the exception of a few individuals. The magazine would be aimed at both male and females. I think that the target audience for this publication would possbily be in the C2- E socio economic group, both inner and outer directed as they are the most likely to read it. For e.g I don't think that somebody in socio economic group A; such as a Lord would be interested in reading a rock magazine.
R-I think that Kerrang magazine portrays a positive image towards rock music and the artists featured on the cover. Bring Me The Horizon are dressed in suits which could suggest thay do take their job as a band seriously- representing them as hard working people. The magazine uses synergy in order to advertise the bands on this cover which will sell their magazine if the artist is well known or popular; in turn the magazine will advertise the band's new single, album or tour to help the artist make money. Kerrang magazine; although it's popular it's not necessarily a mainstream magazine. This idea shows that it's okay to like things other than what the majority like, and it's okay to be a little different which is an important statement to make.
L- The layout of this contents page has been split into two main sections. The top half is a photograph and the bottom is the actual contents box; showing what and where the articles are. The image is a mid-shot of the band featured on the front cover- Bring Me The Horizon. I think that Kerrang did this because the band are so well known and they are the ones selling the magazine this week that's why the photograph is so big.
The house style is slightly different on this contents page compared to the cover as a new colour of font is introduced-yellow. Yellow gives connotations of energy and supposedly arouses mental stimulation. When overused yellow creates a distrubing effect which would have been the idea for this page. When yellow is used with the colour of black like in this case; it's often used to issue a warning. The masthead used on the cover is used again on the contents page however is smaller and in the centre of the page. I think that this was done to emphasise the magazine and to also make it even more recognisable than it already is. The font used on the contents page is looks like it's quite worn, old or dirty. The yellow colour has specks on it in order to make it appear quite faded. I think this reflects the messy, imperfect nature of rock music. The black backround around the outside of the words make them stand out against the white page and the target audience's eyes will be instantly drawn to it. As well as this it saves the audience searching around for the article they wish to read because of the headings.
Unlike some music magazine's kerrang has a letter from the editor. I think that this directly addresses the audience and makes them feel personally involved in the publication. The photograph and the way the editor tells anicdotes about unknown things of the magazine as wel helps the audience feel more involved with the making of the magazine.
On the right hand bottom side of the contents page there is a special offer to get Kerrang magazine's delivered to your door for six pound. This os on the contents page because other than the cover it's the most viewed page of the whole magazine therfore everyone will see it and possibly take up the publication on the offer.
I- See cover analysis for institution.
I- See cover analysis for ideology.
A-See cover analysis for audience.
R- The main image of Bring me the horizon shows a positive image of the band. The band are signing autographs for fans which represents them as down-to-earth, nice, decent people. I think the photograph of the editor shows a positive representation for the magazine as she doesn't appear to be a stereotypical rock enthusiast. She is wearing a plain black top and looks like a normal professional woman which shows the audience that you don't need a lot of tattoos or piercings to appreciate this genre of music. As well as this she is relatable to the audience as she's just like everyone else.
L- This double page spread doesn't actually have an article on these pages- just two large images of Oli Sykes the lead singer of Bring me the horizon (the band on the cover) and the article is on the page to follow. A medium close-up shot has been used in order to make the reader seem close to the artist without being uncomfortably close an extreme close up shot would produce.On the first image, the artist is looking straight into camera which connects with the target audience, as it causes the reader to feel he is staring into their eyes. Oli Syke's head is looking down on the second image which caused the audience to turn their focus to where he is looking.
The font is in white which connotates purity, success and is usually a positive colour. White also connotates perfection which could make the artist seem quite vain. I don't think that white was a good colour to use as it doesn't really stand out against the image or the grey coloured background. If I were to create this double page spread I would have used a darker bolder colour like black as it would have definately contrasted against everything else on the page. However this could have been done because the publication doesn't want the target audience to focus on the text, they want the audience to focus on the appearance of the artist.The font used is straight-cut and professional looking. It isn't curly or curved which shows that the institution doesn't want any focus to be taken away from the images.
The grey colour of the background is simple, neutral and can sometimes evoke cloudy or moody emotions which perhaps makes the artist appear brooding. Just like everything else on the page the background doesn't take any focus away from the two images.
I- See cover analysis for institution.
I- See cover analysis for ideology.
A- See cover analysis for audience.
I think that with this double page spread the magazine is trying to target a larger female demographic. This artist is quite good looking and has his shirt off making girls want to read about this specific articles. As well as just attrcting females; I think that males who enjoy this genre of music would appreciate the artist's tattoos, lifestyle or music so they would too want to read this article.
R- I think that the way Oli Sykes is being represented in this article is both positive and negative. The way the aritst is posing, the colour of the text and background makes him appear quite vain and that he only cares about his image. However he also seems quite brooding, which is an attractive trait in this generation.
The font is in white which connotates purity, success and is usually a positive colour. White also connotates perfection which could make the artist seem quite vain. I don't think that white was a good colour to use as it doesn't really stand out against the image or the grey coloured background. If I were to create this double page spread I would have used a darker bolder colour like black as it would have definately contrasted against everything else on the page. However this could have been done because the publication doesn't want the target audience to focus on the text, they want the audience to focus on the appearance of the artist.The font used is straight-cut and professional looking. It isn't curly or curved which shows that the institution doesn't want any focus to be taken away from the images.
The grey colour of the background is simple, neutral and can sometimes evoke cloudy or moody emotions which perhaps makes the artist appear brooding. Just like everything else on the page the background doesn't take any focus away from the two images.
I- See cover analysis for institution.
I- See cover analysis for ideology.
A- See cover analysis for audience.
I think that with this double page spread the magazine is trying to target a larger female demographic. This artist is quite good looking and has his shirt off making girls want to read about this specific articles. As well as just attrcting females; I think that males who enjoy this genre of music would appreciate the artist's tattoos, lifestyle or music so they would too want to read this article.
R- I think that the way Oli Sykes is being represented in this article is both positive and negative. The way the aritst is posing, the colour of the text and background makes him appear quite vain and that he only cares about his image. However he also seems quite brooding, which is an attractive trait in this generation.
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