L - Front Page.
My music magazine must include a masthead.
Conventionally a masthead is on the left hand side of the page as it's the first place the audience will look as we have been trained from a small age to read from the top left of the text. Another reason for the position of the masthead is to do with how magazines are stacked on shelves. Magazines overlap eachother in most stores so only the masthead (in this case the title of the magazine) show. Therefore this is the only recognisable anchorage on my page to signify what my magazine actually is. The masthead reflect the genre of music the magazine is promoting. E.g large, bold colours and block font for a rock magazine as it signifies loud, busy music. Wheras I would use bright colours and a curved font for a pop magazine to give connotations of fun, upbeat music.
For my text, I will consider using a range of camera angles depedning on what is appropiate. If I choose to use a band on stage at a gig for my main image, then I would probably decide on using a long shot in order to get the bands whole bodies and instruments in the photograph. However I will consider using a medium-close-up like I used for my college magazine as it is a more intimate shot and the audience will really feel like they're close and personal with the star on my cover.
I intend to play around and experiment a lot with my cover image in order to get the perfect one- I will use a variety of camera angles and shots to decide which is the most appropiate for my genre and ideas.
It is conventional for music magazine to include some sort of synergy in the magazine.
Music magazine's usuallly feature a well known celebrity on the cover in order to attract it's demographic, however the magazine will also promote the celebrity's new album, song, tour or latest work. The magazine and celebrity work together to promote eachother.
House style
Like I have discussed for the masthead, the house style for the cover of my magazine purely depends on what genre of music I intend to use. E.g If I chose to create a classical magazine it would use a lot of white as it connotates simpleness, purity and is quite an angelic colour. It would be a very simple layout and easy to look at. Everything would be organised on the page and would look very clean, crisp and tidy.
If I chose to create a rock magazine I would choose to use reds or blacks as they connotate danger, excitement and mystery. The cover would be fairly busy as rock music is loud and has a lot going on it. The images and text would be striking and draw attention. I would make the cover quite dramatic.
Banner Headline
A convention of a music magazine cover is a banner headline. This is a headline that goes from one side of the page to the other. It is usually the name of the famous band or celebrity on the cover to draw attention and convince people to purchase the magazine. It could also advertise an exclusive inside the magazine which again will persuade the target audience to buy the text.
I - If I were to create a magazine for an existing publisher then I would choose 'Bauer Media'. Bauer Media is Europe's biggest privately owned publishing group and distributes over 300 magazines in over 15 countries as well as radiostations, T.V and online. Bauer publishers own a lot of the main magazines such as; Heat, Grazia, Closer, FHM, Kerrang and Q. These are very mainstream magazines and I would therefore have to create a very high standard magazine in order to compete with them. My text would have to be created with a professional finish. My magazine will be quite similar to magazines such as Kerrang and Q as they are all of music interest, and possibly the same sub-genre; Rock. However I will try and specify my target audience and attempt to appeal to them as much as possible. As well as this my text will offer exclusives from up and coming bands that most mainstrean magazines will not have heard of, this will offer me a gap in the market.
I - The messages, morals and values my magazine will convey will differ depending on the genre of my text, therefore I will research this in more detail at a later point. Messages and morals will also depend on the target audience of my text. This is because, in order for my magazine to be a success I must communicate ideas my audience will agree with otherwise they will not purchase my text.
A - I will develop my target audience more thoroughly when I have chosen my music genre for definate as it will influence this heavily. e.g. a pop magazine may have a much younger target audience and possibly lean toward a femal demographic than a classical magazine.R - I intend to give a positive representation of all artisits used in my magazine; whether on my cover, contents page or double page spread. This would increase the chance of the artists to work with the magazine again and in turn create a positive representation of my text. Although I want my magazine to prove popular, I don't necessarily want it to be mainstream. This choice will allow me to give both positive and negative representations of various genres of music. I will obviously try and represent my target audience in a positive manner as they will be the ones purcahsing my text. I will not convey them in a stereotypical way as people may feel misunderstood and may not appreciate my product.
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